Better energy efficiency at a small price with Rénoclimat
We know how expensive the installation or replacement of a ventilation system, a heat pump, an electric heating system or a geothermal system can get. While our Canadian climate demands a particular energy efficiency, the government has set up a program to help you with your works. Indeed, the Rénoclimat subsidy allows you to make upgrades to your energy efficiency without having to spend the big bucks.
Rénoclimat program: what is it?
The Rénoclimat program offers financial help to homeowners wishing to increase their energy efficiency. By sending in your application for a subsidy, you could save moreon your heating costs by following the recommendations during your renovations. With the help of a Rénoclimat evaluator, this program allows you to pinpoint your needs in energy savings and, by doing so, to update your heating system.
Financial aid: am I eligible?
The Rénoclimat program is for individuals or businessesowning dwellings located on the Quebec territory, who wish to renovate them to upgrade their energy efficiency.
Here are the different dwelling types eligible for the Rénoclimat program :
- House (individual one family home, twin house, townhouse, mobile home, rooming house, four seasons cottage, etc.);
- Duplex;
- Triplex;
- Multi-unit residential building of maximum 3 floors with a maximum floor area of 600 m2.
Take note: if you think you are eligible to the Rénoclimat program, we strongly suggest you read aboutthe dwelling conditionsas well as the exhaustive list of eligible participantson the Transition Énergétique Québec website.
Depending on the type of system, the Rénoclimat subsidy is granted for the installation of a new system or for the replacement of an existing system to a more efficient one. Systems must meet standards or be certified as indicated here.
A mechanical ventilation system allow evacuation of excess humidity and pollutants from the dwelling and to introduce clean air to replace the stale air. A heat recovery ventilator allows you to maintain air quality without increasing your energy costs too much.
Please note that if you only install a heat recovery ventilator without undertaking any other energy efficiency works, it could not be enough to be elligible for the Rénoclimat program financial help. Make sure that the chosen system is Energy Star certified to get up to 1490$ in grants. We advise you to call one of our experts who will be able to further guide you through the Rénoclimat program.
Preview of the financial aid amount
It’s important to check all the required conditions by consulting the Guide du participant (in French only)before starting the works.
Ventilation system
Type of system | Financial help | Conditions |
Heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or energy recovering ventilator (ERV) | 490 $ + exceptional bonus of 1 000 $* |
Heating system
If you wish to replace or upgrade your heating system, your Rénoclimat advisor can help you evaluate your needs and advise you during his visit to your house.
The installation of a heat pump or a geothermal system are part of the Rénoclimat grant eligible works.
Geothermal system
A geothermal system uses the earth or underground waterways as a heat source during winter to warm up the house and as a heat diffuser during summer.
Types of works | Financial help | Conditions |
Installation of a geothermal system | 5 365 $ + exceptional bonus of 1 000 $* |
Replacement of a geothermal system | 2 150 $ + exceptional bonus of 1 000 $* |
Heat pump
A heat pump can serve both as a heating and A/C system. In the winter, a heat pump uses less energy than other heating systems to generate heat. Moreover, low temperature heat pumps are now able to warm up a dwelling almost constantly, even during very cold temperatures.
Type of system | Financial help | Conditions |
Air heat pump | 650 $ (1000$ more for eligible systems) |
Low temperature air heat pump | 650 $ + exceptional bonus of 1 000 $* |
Please note that a 1 000 $ bonus on the Rénoclimat financial help could be granted to participants having received or submitted a request before December 31st, 2020 their post work evaluation. Warning : certain conditions apply.
Steps to follow
To participate in the Rénoclimat program, here are the five steps to follow.
Step 1 | Before starting your work, fill out the online formto request an appointment.
After receiving your request, the organism mandated by TÉQ will get in touch with you to agree on a time and day for your first appointment. |
Step 2 | A Rénoclimat evaluator advisor will go to your home to evaluate the energy efficiency of your home before the works.. Take advantage of his visit to discuss with him your energy efficiency renovation projects.
Your advisor calculates the ÉnerGuide mark of your dwelling and will forward you an evaluation reportcontaining energy efficiency recommendations.
Check applicable feesfor this evaluation. |
Step 3 | Proceed to the renovations, either yourself or by a professional. Use the recommendations written in the evaluation report to guide you in your works. |
Step 4 | Once your works completed, fill out the online formto request an appointment. Upon receiving your request, the organism mandated by TÉQ will get in touch with you to agree on a day forthe post work energy evaluationof your dwelling. The Rénoclimat advisor goes to your home to evaluate the upgrades that were done and to calculate the new ÉnerGuide mark.
The first post work energy evaluation is free. |
Step 5 | If you are eligible and you have sent your Social Insurance Number (SIN) or your Québec enterprise number (NEQ), your Rénoclimat financial help checkwill be delivered to you by post 10 to 12 weeks after the post work evaluation of your dwelling. |
Need tips? Get in touch with us!
At Lysair, our experts are available to help you in qualifying for the Rénoclimat program. Switching your heating system for an energy-efficient option is another step towards long term savings. Also, our mission is to help you in choosing your heat pump and heating system so that YOUR needs can be met, all while helping you save. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experts will be happy to guide you in your project!
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